Four Pieces from Will Pollock
We are gearing up for an exciting event tomorrow! I hope you’ll join us. Remember to RSVP if you haven’t already.I’ll be offering four pieces for our event. They are:
- Madaket Sun. Growing up on Nantucket gave me unusual access to one of the most beautiful places on earth. This image was shot along an inlet near Madaket Beach, right at sunset. Custom framing by JD Isaacs at Rose Squared Gallery & Framing.

- Hendrix Bloom. An accidental homage to the late, great Jimi Hendrix, this image was taken at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens during a recent visit with my parents. The Hendrix song, “Purple Haze” was apparently inspired by a dream Hendrix had where he was walking under the sea, and was engulfed by a purple haze and got lost. I got lost in this bloom when I took it, and hopefully you will, too.
- Nomad. I got a call from my neighbor Jim Stapleton that a hawk had landed in the backyard and that I should grab my camera and shoot it. So, I did. The guy didn’t stay long and looked as though he had lots of other places to visit. This was the shot I got off in time before he scooted away.

- Wake Up/Brilliance. Named for the Melissa Etheridge song, “I Need to Wake Up,” this simple sunrise image was shot in Chautauqua, N.Y., and reminded me of the importance of seeing each day as new, fresh and brilliant. “I am not an island/I am not alone/I am my intentions/trapped here in this flesh and bone” is the lyric that has stuck with me all this time, and this scene reminded me of that. This song was the single motivator for starting ARTvision back in 2006.
See you tomorrow!